
Skinny Jeans Are Dangerous Know Why

Our dressing culture has changed drastically, which means that the clothes we wear are based on our work or the environment. Going one step further it is very important to dress to express their beauty. Many varieties of clothes to wear, most of the choice is jeans dress. The main reason why skinny and obese people choose this jean dress is that it reflects body type beautifully. And jeans only several types of models can be worn create for another reason. 

Skinny Jeans Are Dangerous Know Why

It is undeniable that there are some disadvantages to wearing these jeans for a number of reasons. It is important to talk about some of the important problems that can be caused by wearing jeans, because it causes some physical problems not only but also some other problems. Let those look at each of the issues one by one.

1.Kidney damage caused by jeans clothing: Wearing tight jeans clothing has been found to cause kidney tract infections. The research was conducted in the UK with 2000 men. At the end of the study, 50 percent of men felt that they had a problem with too much pressure on their hips. They found that over time it causes many problems in kidney function. After this study 25 percent of men were found to have kidney problems. The study also found that 20 percent of men have sperm problems.

Jeans clothes are very thick and tight so ventilation is very low. This causes a change in blood flow and also causes some allergies on the skin. Sacrificing your physical health for a reason that wearing tight jeans is only for beauty is not so good.

2.Tight jeans clothes retain more heat in our waist and thigh areas. Due to lack of ventilation, the blood flow is reduced because this occurs here. This is sperm production for men in reduces consecutive wearing of such tight clothing. Also pelvic increases the risk of skin allergies and fungal infections due to excessive heat in the area. 

It is said that wearing such tight clothing usually causes a type of cancer in men called testicular cancer. When a person wears tight jeans while walking or running or working from one place our muscles are more prone to muscle breakdown due to immobility.

3.Those who wear jeans like this should definitely wear a belt. The belt is tied tightly around the waist so that the body parts in the abdomen do not function normally. Thus the body is prone to allergic indigestion and constipation problems. Excess sweat stays there due to more tight clothing, causing skin allergies. Those skinny jeans this tight and even those with clothes wear, obese. Thus these clothes tightly wearing differs from the normal change of the body and leads to many diseases subject to certain artificial conditions.

4.These jeans are available in a wide range of colors today. The loaded dyes are made with a high level of dangerous chemicals. These chemical colors painted jeans clothes following wearing cancer, dangerous diseases such as some studies suggest that it may come. 

5.It is better that we wear thin cotton clothes instead of jeans coated with these tight dangerous chemical dyes. It is generally welcome that clothes do not have too much body tightness and too much pressure and thirst. Definitely always the best one to wear with thin cotton and Kadar clothes. It is also important that underwear should be cotton clothing. Cotton clothing absorbs sweat, which helps prevent skin allergies.

Skinny Jeans Are Dangerous Know Why

6.Our clothes should always be in a way that reflects our dignity and beauty and should never be allowed to affect our health. Choose and wear such clothes to take care of physical health and body beauty. That is what is appropriate for a civilizational change in clothing culture.

This article is written with the sole purpose of raising awareness about the problems caused by wearing tight jeans. If you found this information useful you can share it on the social media pages below. And if you have any doubts, you can let us know in the comments.