Our body has some vital body systems, of which only a significant number are found to be the bulwark of the entire body system. In our opinion, one of the most attractive systems of all is the immune system. This is because it works with the cells in your body day and night to protect you from the constant threat of pathogens, constantly trying to keep the body in a normal state. Most of the time, we don’t know it.
There are a variety of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, Protists and parasitic worms. The skin is the outermost protection of our body against these germs. Because the skin is the frontline protection against allowing these germs into your body, we call it the frontline defense system. Mucous membranes, such as the lining of your nose, also prevent germs from entering.
This first level is a certain limited amount of protection. The pathogens mentioned above break the defenses of this condition easily and sometimes enter into the body. The second level of protection is the mast cells that protect against allergies. For example, when we hit something in our body, it bleeds, causing certain types of bacteria to try to get inside. But these mast cells block them.
These cells are filled with a substance called histamine, which can act against allergens. The blood begins to clot at the site of the injury due to the filling of histamine. Histamine also contributes to the leakage of blood vessels. Dilution and leakage of blood vessels make it easier for many types of white blood cells, such as macrophages, to reach that area. Macrophages ingest germs so they cannot get inside. This prevents germs from entering.
However, it is not uncommon for some malignant pathogens to enter the body beyond these first and second immune systems. Pathogens that go that way can cause infections in our body. The immune system in the third layer is a bit more complex. In this article, we will explain only a few superficial things about this system. This article only explains the basics of the immune system.
When our body changes from regular change we realize that we are suffering from some disease. Thus the state in which we are affected by health is called an antigen. The antigen is part of the pathogen. This adaptation is going to be the third line of the immune system because the first and second line of defense will not be sufficient to control the pathogen. In this we will look at two main systems, one of which is cell-mediated and the other is humoral immunity.
Cell-Mediated: The cell contains cytotoxic T cells. The cytotoxic T cell is a white blood cell that has the ability to destroy infected cells. The affected cell degenerates by emitting signals of apoptosis.
It releases a protein called porins, and water and ions flow into it, destroying the cell. When cells infected by a pathogen are destroyed, the pathogen can also be killed, and the pathogen dies without being able to reproduce within the infected cell.
As such an event continues to occur, the ability of pathogens to reproduce in cells is prevented. Thus breaking the chain of spreading the disease.
Humoral immunity: These white blood cells have two types, T-cell and B-cell. These B cells are capable of producing antibodies. Antibodies are looked like "Y" shaped proteins. Antibodies have an antigen-binding area where they bind to a specific antigen. They are found in the blood, and many antibodies are found in mucus, saliva, breast milk, and more. There are different classes of antibodies.
When antibodies bind to an antigen, they can inactivate the pathogen by moving, reproducing, or affecting its ability to cause harm. In the cell-mediated and humoral instant, we find out that there are memory cells in these compartments. These memory cells include memory B cells and memory T cells. These cells have the "memory" of the antigen they express.
Memory B cells can make antibodies using plasma B cells. It is through these cells that vaccines that boost the immune system are activated. These cells are artificially induced by vaccines to produce antibodies. (Click to know about how the vaccines are work)
All of these actions help to recover from a specific infection by increasing the number and strength of cells that fight off germs. These pathogens have the ability to fight off easily if the same infection reoccurs once the infection has recovered from these activities. This is one of the most important functions of the immune system. There are have great textbooks about this topic.
In general, it is essential that we handle certain vital functions to keep our immune system to be strong. We can keep our immune system strong and immune by ensuring the functions given below.
1. An average of 8 hours of deep sleep per day.
2. Eat a nutritious balanced diet.
3. Exercise a certain amount of exercise and yoga daily.
4. Avoid mainly alcohol and smoking.
5. Dealing with mental stress.
6. Keep your body weight steady.
With some important habits like this we can improve our immune system and live disease-free. Also this article only writes basic information about the immune system. If you found this information useful, please share it with your friends and relatives.
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